Red-Teaming for Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

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Cybersecurity Management in Threes

Cybersecurity Management in Threes: Cybersecurity pitfalls, Components of a Successful Cybersecurity Program, and a Three-step Approach to a Strong Security Posture As the cybersecurity industry

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APIs: The New “Silent Killer”

Why You Should Take Preventative Measures Now to Reduce Risk Through Unsecure APIs High blood pressure is known as a “silent killer” because most people

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Shift Left is not working…..

Over the past decade the “shift left” movement has been gaining traction. The premise is that if we tool-up with cyber security earlier in the development lifecycle, we should get better and more secure product/code. At first glance, this appears logical and totally makes sense: let us prevent things from happening instead of fixing things that have already happened.

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